FAQ – Managing Emails

Hover over the "MY ACCOUNT" menu item. In the submenu that appears, click "CREATE AN EMAIL".


Hover over the “MY ACCOUNT” menu item. In the submenu that appears, click “CREATE AN EMAIL”.
If you scroll down you can see in the left sidebar the "Email History" area. This area shows your scheduled and sent emails. You can view these emails be clicking "View" next to the desired email.

VIEW Your Scheduled Email

If you scroll down you can see in the left sidebar the “Email History” area. This area shows your scheduled and sent emails. You can view these emails be clicking “View” next to the desired email.
You can click "Edit" to make changes to an email that is scheduled and has yet to be sent out, OR if your email has already been sent, clicking "Edit" will load the same episode into a new email for you to make changes to and send again.

EDIT an Email

You can click “Edit” to make changes to an email that is scheduled and has yet to be sent out, OR if your email has already been sent, clicking “Edit” will load the same episode into a new email for you to make changes to and send again.